The boy was caught in a snare in this way .


l       Matters/Affairs of a case

On a frightful early morning day, a childfs head was found in front of an elementary school gate. The bizarreness (macabre-ness) shocked the nation. After a couple of days of the incident, a junior high school boy living in the neighborhood was arrested as a culprit of the case. The unexpectedness of this accusation stunned people yet again.

The processes or circumstances of the case:
@@@@@A few days after the affair, two policemen came to the boyfs house and took him to the police station to interrogate him. The police had already concluded that the boy is a culprit of this unpleasant case. The police restrained the boy and treated him as if he were an adult suspect.  They kept treating him as a prime suspect and demanded his information on the incident; however, he claimed that the case was unrelated to him. The police, in a process of investigation, requested a handwritten analysis from the boy so that it could be compared to the threatening letter that was found as evidence.  But as a result, his handwriting did not match. However, despite the result, the police used fraudulent means to frame and deceive the boy. They made it so that the handwritten analysis indicated a match for the threatening letter, then he was forced to confess.  Due to the confession, the police requested a warrant, arrested him, and sent him back to a public prosecutor from the family court in order to prosecute the boy*1.


Although the confession was sole evidence, the boyfs defense counsel stuck to it.  The incompetence led to errors during the trial like not asking for physical evidence such like an offensive weapon during.  Moreover, Igaki chief justice concluded the record statement taken before and by a police officer, was drawn by fraudulent means, then it was removed from the evidence record; yet, startlingly, the chief justice judged that the boyfs voluntary confession (in a record statement taken by a prosecutor) has almost the same contents as the police record. In this matter, the boy was convicted, and sent to a reformatory.
Evidently, (certainly) this case was nothing else but a systematic false accusation by the prosecution and the police.

 Objection to the ruling by the court from third parties after the case


               This case bushed and isolated not only him, but also his family by labeling them as inhuman. In addition, defense counsels, who were with the boy, were at the beck and call of the judgment, and turned a deaf ear to both objections and questions. After that, the third party started claiming and questioning a case concerning juvenile crime. First was the claim of "Protection of personal liberty". Second, an accusation and Semi-prosecution*2 request. And third, the request of the revocation of probation for retrial.
1.     Protection of personal liberty requests
The family court designated the boy with a behavioral disorder, and decided to treat him to prevent him from shifting to mental disease. According to the decision he was sent to medical reformatory; however, the chief of the reform bureau of the Ministry of Justice announced that the boy were to be taken to Kanto medical reformatory. Such an announcement might be the cause of bullying to the boy at the reformatory; moreover, collective treatment that is required by the Family court decision can no longer be taken (because of the announcement). Furthermore, the reformatory didn't provide facilities or staff demanded by the family court; as a matter of fact, some reports said he was kept in a single room observed by a camera.
@@@@@ Such a state of restriction infringes upon the purpose of the Habeas Corpus Act, and this case demands "fitting treatment", viz 1. Ask about moving the boy to another appropriate juvenile medical facility or reformatory. 2. No announcements of transported places, with the use of a fictitious name until the case, at least, calm down. The court of justice rejected a request of this protection of personal liberty for the following reasons. 

1. The restrainee was not recognized as "a person who is restricted corporal freedom without legal procedures".

2. When the person is restrained through a court decision, only if the judgment has done without one's authority or was conspicuously violate the statutory process*4, otherwise since people who interested in the boyfs dealing ware able to give family court counsel gthere exist other appropriate method to relief the restrainee of this caseh *5

 Therefore, on the ground of Habeas Corpus Act clause 1, article 11, and Habeas corpus rule number 6, clause 1, article21, gdidnft pass examine procedureh, and the court of justice rejected an application of this case.


2. Complaint from a third party and semi-prosecution request*2

@@@@@ Accusation for the issue of this case and dropping the prosecutors on Oct 9th in 1998.

Complaints accused policemen of the Hyogo prefectural police office and prosecutors of the Kobe district office of abusing of authority by special public officer *6


Request of semi-prosecution and courtfs response

@@@@@Immediately, complaints claimed semi-prosecution to Kobe prosecutorfs office. First of all, complaints ask for an interview with a judge, yet the office decline the necessity of the meeting.

Complaints asked for the release of their gexplanation of adjudge of non-prosecutionh and gopinionative documents,h but the office didnft release and even give them an explanation of the reason of the dropping of the semi-prosecution request. February 19th, 2001, the Prosecutorfs office dismissed the application.

              The Applicants appealed to Osaka high prosecutorfs office, but the office responded same as the last case, and November 12th 2001, the office declined their appeal. Finally January 16th 2002 even the Supreme Court rejected their special appeal.


3. Request of the revoking probation for retrial


This case was a matter of petition to the Kobe Family Court for revoking probation of the boy by lawyer, scholar, and knowledgeable people who doubted the court decision; the boy is the criminal of the Kobe Matter.

All of the claimants of this case are third people who didnft have any interest in the boy.

While their parents and attorney didnft request for retrial, claimants groped for some methods to retrial on behalf of them. They sought for a measure to revoking probation for retrial on account of the non-existence of the boyfs delinquency as a third party.

Thereafter, May 23rd 2002, claimants requested the Kobe Family Court to revoke probation ex officio on account of non-existence of the boyfs delinquency. It appeared that the court office put the record on the daybook, nevertheless, a judge of the court gtoldh just gwasnft acceptableh through his secretary by phone. According to the secretary there was gno special reason (for rejection)h and the method used was not of formal notification just by phone call. In spite of bringing forward the rational and concrete reason for denying the boyfs crime, their answer for the request was unconvincing, and could not help but doubt the judgefs discernment.

@@@@@Claimants indicated the peculiarity of this case, and unforgivingness in the case of misjudgment to the judge, and then they submitted a written inquiry to encourage the judge in reexamination. But, the judge ignored the opinion.

@*1.  This is the necessary procedure for juvenile crime prosecution in Japan called ‹t‘—-gaykusou

*2.  If third party, who accuse or prosecute an authority abuse crime, have objection against prosecutor's decision of dropping a case, they can request the court of justice to accompany with the case. This procedure call €‹N‘i-junkiso or semi-prosecution.

*3.  Article 2 of the Habeas Corpus Act

*4.  Article 4 of the Habeas Corpus rule

*5  Article 4 of the proviso in the rule

*6  Article 194 of the Criminal Law